Once upon a time in Haadga, a virus started to spread.
Some people was very afraid.
Boss does not go to work because he is afraid of the virus. Employee goes to work although he is also afraid of it.
Another employee who is afraid of the virus and didn’t go to work is fired by another employee who is also afraid from the virus but still goes to work.
But remember that boss didn’t go to work because he is afraid of the virus.
And this is the reality of today in Haadga.
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*Bu kategorideki yazılara destek olmak isterseniz #100kelimlikhikayeler şeklinde bir tweet atabilirsiniz.
Çıplak Yazar - 7 gün önce
Ben sadece bir sinemasever olarak düşüncelerimi yazdım. Sektörde o kadar bilgim ve emeğim olsa + bütçe de olmazsa olmaz tabi,…
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